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Need guide-possible way to- connect SDI-12 sensor to STM32 board (ARM based MCU)

Associate II

May I ask your guide if there is any possible library or

solution to connect SDI-12 sensors to STM32 board I also put it on ST




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Depending on the STM32 family you might need to use Prescaler options on the UART to get to low baud rates from high APB clocks.

Perhaps you'd do better looking for generic SDI-12 libraries for this and other MCU's and look at what specific form the U(S)ART abstraction might take on the STM32

Not seen a lot of SDI-12 traffic on the forum here, you might try an SDI-12 centric forum and back-tack from there.

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Associate II

Sorry I thought if I like it it would be seen by more people and in more notice. Thanks for your response and guide lines. As I am in computer science a bit takes more time to study about those but I use your advise. Sure I also put in the SDI-12 centric forum before st community.
