2015-12-31 10:02 AM
hi every one
i am a new elementary user of stm32f4xx(in particular stm32f4 discovery board) when i need to learn some new peripheral and that's application and functions, iEncounter
a lot ofTerms that i can not understand them.
for example i need to work with timers i know that i should work TimeBase mode but in stdperiph_library there are many functions that i dont what they do? for example TIM_SelectOnePulseMode i can not understand what is one pulse mode? or another function TIM_GetPrescaler() i do not know what is prescaler and what that does? or ARRPreloadConfig TIM_SetAutoreload i do not know what is the ARR(Auto reload register) and what does that do? how ever i can guess only some of them but not exactly!! i need a simple and full reference or manual or tutorial to explains me all of peripherals of stm32f4 very very thanks