2015-07-07 5:48 PM
I'm using STM32L053 Nucleo, I have wrote some code for it to run, and I wish to do a RAM estimation to see RAM usage of current firmware. How to see the RAM usage? Regards #dynamic-memory-usage2015-07-07 6:23 PM
Most embedded code uses static allocation, as it's apt not to fail due to fragmentation and leakage. For that you'd look at your .MAP file.
For dynamic you'd need to familiarize yourself with your implementation's allocator, and perhaps code a routine to walk through the allocation chains, or track the malloc/free activity.2015-07-07 10:22 PM
in the .map file, at ''Memory Map of the image'' section, the Size in ''Execution Region RW_IRAM1'', would this be the RAM usage?
assume the firmware didn't use any dynamic memory allocation.2015-07-08 9:59 AM
Assuming Keil, but you should really be specific about what you use, because I don't know
The ''Total RW Size (RW Data + ZI Data)'' might be more explicit if more than one RAM region.Execution Region RW_IRAM1 (Base: 0x20000000, Size: 0x00003550, Max: 0x00018000, ABSOLUTE, COMPRESSED[0x00000278])
Base Addr Size Type Attr Idx E Section Name Object
0x20000000 0x000004f4 Data RW 237 .data main.o
0x200004f4 0x00000004 Data RW 238 .data main.o
0x200004f8 0x00000004 Data RW 239 .data main.o
0x200004fc 0x00000004 Data RW 247 .data main.o
0x20000500 0x00000004 Data RW 249 .data main.o
0x20000504 0x00000010 Data RW 3774 .data stm32f2xx_rcc.o
0x20000514 0x00000004 Data RW 5999 .data mc_w.l(errno.o)
0x20000518 0x00002038 Zero RW 231 .bss main.o
0x20002550 0x00001000 Zero RW 5562 STACK startup_stm32f2xx.o
Total RW Size (RW Data + ZI Data) 13648 ( 33kB)