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Mipi dsi with LCD issue

Associate II

Hi Everybody,

I have a difficult problem. I use STM32F469I-Disco to porting new LCD on it.

My LCD driver IC are ILI9806E and ST7701s. they are having the same problem.

they can be lighted on, but image is not the same as my setting.

Example: I use BSP_LCD_Clear(LCD_COLOR_RED) to setup background color.

LCD center will show Red Color, but the border is black color. please check the attachment.

Could you please share key point for me to solve this issue?

Many Thanks!

PS: I am based on STM32F469i-DISCO with STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.21.0 LCD_DSI_VideoMode_SingleBuffer.


Looks like an issue with the backlight

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> Looks like an issue with the backlight

I tend to agree.

You could evaluate other display modules, perhaps with less focus on the prize tag.

Associate II

Sorry, I clear some questions!

I bought 4 panels from different vendors. 3 panels 's driver IC is ILI9806E and another is ST7701s.

These are the same phenomenon.

These driver IC's architecture are based on ramless  and GIP(Gate in panel).

But I don't know what is different between OTM8009a.

PS: I also has another panel which driver ic is JD9161BA which is ramless, this panel can work normally


Many Thanks!


Could it be that the distance between display and support frame is too large, casting large shadows on the edges ?


Did you ever get a solution to this as I have an ILI9806E based display showing exactly the same problem.