2013-03-28 7:14 AM
Hi all,
I am trying to compile the exemples that keil provide with MCBSTM32F200 in the folder C:\Keil\ARM\Boards\Keil\MCBSTM32F200 but I got problems in some exemples that are almost the same:In FTP demo i got ''all drives disabled in configuration'' when I tried to compile. So I put ''FL_DEV'' in Target options/C/C++ define. No luck, got another bill of errors.I tried to read all the read me files and stuffs but I am really lost.Can someone help me with that?Thanks2013-04-01 7:03 AM
I am stuck in this.
Someone?2013-04-01 7:39 AM
Go look at the file that's erroring (FILE_LIB.C ??) because presumably FlashFS is expecting you to define a specific drive or drives to be using. File_Config.c within the project defines MC0_EN 1
Are you using the original project file? On what version of Keil? On the Eval version of 4.70a the build of C:\Keil\ARM\Boards\Keil\MCBSTM32F200\RL\TCPnet\FTP_demo\FTP_demo.uvproj it gets way beyond precompile stages, and only falls over because of the RL-ARM license in the linker. The compiler, board and example are Keil's, call them and open a support ticket.