2017-02-21 1:48 PM
I am working on a library for controlling the
from an STM32 device. I have the library writing and reading back data however the first byte of each page it not as expected and seems to be fixed at0x04
For example I write 128 bytes across two pages starting at
address with value 0x80
. When read back I get:
byte[0] = 0x04;
byte[1] = 0x80;
byte[2] = 0x80;
byte[3] = 0x80;
byte[64] = 0x04;
byte[65] = 0x80;
byte[66] = 0x80;
byte[67] = 0x80;
I have debugged the SPI with a logic analyzer and confirmed the correct bytes are being sent. When using the logic analyzer on the read command the mysterios
is transmitted from the EEPROM.
Here is my code:
void FLA::write(constvoid* data,unsignedint dataLength,uint16_t address)
{ int pagePos =0; int pageCount =(dataLength +64-1)/64; int bytePos =0;int startAddress = address; while(pagePos < pageCount) { HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOB,GPIO_PIN_2, GPIO_PIN_SET); // WP High chipSelect(); _spi->transfer(INSTRUCTION_WREN); chipUnselect(); uint8_t status = readRegister(INSTRUCTION_RDSR); chipSelect(); _spi->transfer(INSTRUCTION_WRITE); uint8_t xlow = address &0xff; uint8_t xhigh =(address >>8); _spi->transfer(xhigh);// part 1 address MSB _spi->transfer(xlow);// part 2 address LSB for(unsignedint i =0; i <64&& bytePos < dataLength; i++) { uint8_t byte =((uint8_t*)data)[bytePos]; _spi->transfer(byte); printConsole(''Wrote byte to ''); printConsoleInt(startAddress + bytePos); printConsole(''with value ''); printConsoleInt(byte); printConsole(''\n''); bytePos ++; } _spi->transfer(INSTRUCTION_WRDI); chipUnselect(); HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOB,GPIO_PIN_2, GPIO_PIN_RESET); //WP LOW bool writeComplete =false; while(writeComplete ==false) { uint8_t status = readRegister(INSTRUCTION_RDSR); if(status&1<<0) { printConsole(''Waiting for write to complete....\n''); } else { writeComplete =true; printConsole(''Write complete to page ''); printConsoleInt(pagePos); printConsole(''@ address ''); printConsoleInt(bytePos); printConsole(''\n''); } } pagePos++; address = address +64; } printConsole(''Finished writing all pages total bytes ''); printConsoleInt(bytePos); printConsole(''\n''); } void FLA::read(char* returndata,unsignedint dataLength,uint16_t address) { chipSelect(); _spi->transfer(INSTRUCTION_READ); uint8_t xlow = address &0xff; uint8_t xhigh =(address >>8); _spi->transfer(xhigh);// part 1 address _spi->transfer(xlow);// part 2 address for(unsignedint i =0; i < dataLength; i++) { returndata[i]= _spi->transfer(0x00); } chipUnselect(); }Additionally I have tried writing sequentially 255 bytes increasing data to check for rollover. The results are as follows:
byte[0] = 4; // Incorrect Mystery Byte
byte[1] = 1; byte[2] = 2;
byte[3] = 3;
byte[63] = 63;
byte[64] = 4; // Incorrect Mystery Byte
byte[65] = 65;
byte[66] = 66;
byte[127] = 127;
byte[128] = 4; // Incorrect Mystery Byte
byte[129} = 129;
Pattern continues. I have also tried writing just 8 bytes from address 0x00 and the same problem persists so I think we can rule out rollover.
I have tried removing the debug printConsole and it has had no effect.
Here is a SPI logic trace of the write command:
And a close up of the first byte that is not working correctly:
Code can be viewed on gitlab here:
Init code of SPI can be seen here in MX_SPI_Init()
I have another device on the SPI bus (RFM69HW RF Module) which works as expected sending and receiving data.
Any suggestion or help appreciated.
#spi-stm32-flash-eeprom #m951282017-02-22 8:18 AM
Show the chip select in the context of the signals being diagrammed here