2016-03-25 9:06 AM
I'm developing on a board based on STM32F407 and FreeRTOS, FatFS, and LwIP. The code is generated by Cube 4.13. The problem is that during a test with a continuous ping (-f) the board doesn't receive messages after a while. Some times it is possible to have a default header interrupt due to a illegal access memory done by alloc or free mempool functions. In my opinion it is a matter of LwIP configuration, but I don't understand exactly what. Does someone have a similar problem? Any idea to debug and solve it? Thanks.2016-03-30 9:01 AM
Hi toscan.andrea,
I suggest you to start from the lwIP examples under STM32cubeF4 package to compare with your project.
Examples under this path: STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.11.0\Projects\STM324xG_EVAL\Applications\LwIP
For the CubeMx side, you can refer
to the paragraph ''B.3.6 LwIP'' in the
. For more details, you can refer tohttp://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/en/resource/technical/document/user_manual/DM00103685.pdf
“Developing applications on STM32Cube with LwIP TCP/IP stack “that can help you in developing you application.
I'm developing on a board based on STM32F407 and FreeRTOS, FatFS, and LwIP. The code is generated by Cube 4.13. The problem is that during a test with a continuous ping (-f) the board doesn't receive messages after a while. Some times it is possible to have a default header interrupt due to a illegal access memory done by alloc or free mempool functions. In my opinion it is a matter of LwIP configuration, but I don't understand exactly what. Does someone have a similar problem? Any idea to debug and solve it? Thanks.2016-03-30 11:06 PM
> Any idea to debug and solve it?
Instrumenting your code according to your requirements. Perhaps add GPIO toggles to visualize entry/exit of relevant functions (via a scope). Set up a separate network segment, with one other network participant. This could be a PC with network testing software, which allows you to send defined packages at defined times/rates. Then, test your board while gradually increasing the network load. It should then be no problem to consistently trigger your problem. Debugging in a real-world networks with unpredictable traffic is like fishing in muddy waters.