2024-01-14 8:15 PM
I am trying to interface a 7" LCD-TFT screen that uses LVDS for its interface. I was wondering if the LTDC on the STM32F439 or STM32F469 could be used with the LVDS interface?
2024-01-15 6:05 AM
Most likely your display can't be interfaced with the 2-lanes-only MIPI DSI interface, but you can use the RGB interface and use a RGB to LVDS converter IC. Read more here: https://community.st.com/t5/stm32-mcus-touch-gfx-and-gui/ltdc-rgb-to-lvds-interface/m-p/601407
2024-01-15 1:21 PM
Would it be possible to display a simple UI that displays outputs from sensors with the 100-pin package STM32F439 and a 7" LCD screen, 1024X600 resolution, that uses a HX8282 LCD controller using a LVDS converter? I am also planning on having a SDRAM chip for the framebuffer and was wondering what type of memory interface and size I would need to interact with the microcontroller or is the framebuffer not needed with the LVDS interface?
2024-01-15 1:36 PM
The STM32 Data Sheet should be indicative of whether there are sufficient pins for an RGB interfaced display. The STM32 here isn't using an LVDS connection.
For a MIPI-DSI display you're going to need an STM32 that supports that interface.
For displays without their own frame buffer, you'll need to provide that.
For a 1024x600 display you'll need 1.2MB for a 16-bit colour depth, 1.8MB for 24-bit colour depth.
I think most of the applications driving RGB panels and SDRAM are going to take at least 144-pin parts.
For a 1024x600 panel, and STM32H7, perhaps look at the ART-PI board. It's the size of a credit card, and has an ST-LINK on-board.
Without some foundation and experience, I'd be cautious about jumping into board design.