2015-07-27 09:11 AM
LSM303DLHC Data Sheet says
The LSM303DLHC features two data-ready signals (RDY) which indicate when a new set of measured acceleration data and magnetic data are available
but Figure 4 only shows one DRDY pin out, does that mean that when the pin is set, both accelerometer and compass has new data, or do I have to check status/ctrl registers to see if accelerometer or magnetometer has data?
#lsm303dlhc-mag #stm32f3 #stm32f3 #lsm303dlhc #drdy
2015-07-27 10:25 AM
It also has two interrupt pins (INT1 / INT2) which DRDY1 and DRDY2 can be mapped too.
You're going to have to read through the part documentation and puzzle through the functionality and connectivity options.2015-09-02 09:11 AM
Ok, it seems that the DRDY line in the LSM303DLHC datasheet refers to the magnetometer interrupt which is connected to GPIO pin PE2 on STM32F3-Discovery
However, when I read the data using theCOMPASSACCELERO_IO_Read
the DRDY line doesn't go low immediately, it remains high until it periodically generates new magnetometer data. Is there anything to do besides reading the 6 bytes of the magnetometer values? Using the same function to read the accelerometer values works flawlessly, the DRDY (which is mapped to INT1) goes low as soon as I have read the accelerometer values.