2015-08-19 3:59 AM
was running The Low Power FreeRTOS example on a STM32F446 Eval board
(Cortex M4)
. The operation of theexample is toThis example creates two threads.
+ A Rx thread that blocks on a queue to wait for data, blinking LED each time data is received (turning it on and then off again) before returning to block on the queue once more.
+ A Tx thread that repeatedly enters the Blocked state for 500ms. On exiting the blocked state the Tx thread sends a value through the queue to the Rx thread (causing the Rx thread to exit the blocked state and blink the LED).
Blocking for a finite period allows the kernel to stop the tick interrupt
and place the STM32 into sleep mode.In this example, not used GPIO's are configured to analog, this help to reduce
the power consumption of the device--------------------------------------------------------------However after I started the program. I get SWD communication failure on the ULINK2.
How can I recover from this? Thanks
2015-08-19 4:05 AM
have you tried ''connect under reset'' mode? (stm32 st-link utility / target / settings / mode )
2015-08-19 5:33 AM
If the ''connect under reset'' mode doesn't work you can pull BOOT0 high and recover that way.
Be careful you don't reprogram the SWD/JTAG pins as that will break connectivity.Check the settings for WFI/DBGMCU so it doesn't power-down or disconnect the debugger, or consider other methods to debug/diagnose behaviour.2015-08-19 3:41 PM
Thanks for all of the help.
There is no debug.ini file that comes with the project. But the Debug Settings :
Connect: Under Reset
Reset: Autodetect
Checked Reset after connect
did work without any problem.