2013-06-03 9:38 AM
Hi all,
on my discovery STM32F4 the LD8 is blinking and I don't know why. There is nothing connected to 3V nor 5V pins but some 6 ADC inputs 5 PWM outputs, one UART and one I2C data connections. All devices are powered from an external supply and all grounds are connected together (including the Discovery board ground). The board is powered from external 5V power supply connected to the 5V pin on the Discovery board. Everything is working fine only the LD8 blinks... I have measured the 3V output from the board and it looks like OK. I really don't see the reason why it is blinking... Don't you have any idea what to check or what could be the reason of LD8 blinking? Thank you in advance...2013-06-03 9:54 AM
USART2 or something else using PD5?
2013-06-03 12:01 PM
Oh, thank you Clive... I'm so careless... It is exactly this. Before I've used the UART1 for communication but I've changed it to UART2 because it was preferable for my application pinout layout and I didn't look well into the reference manual...
Yes, there is the UART2 Tx connected on the PD5...and so this is surely cause of my ''problem''. I'm glad there is no problem with the board itself (hopefully) :) Thank you once more... Jirka