2014-01-08 1:46 AM
I was working with my stm32f3discovery and using the On-board ST-LINK/V2 for debug/ flash programming.I was working fine: flash download, debug and so on.After that I've disconnected the board. When I've reconnected and tried to download in flash a pop up has been showed: Error: Flash Download Failed - Target DLL has been cancelled .Please can you help me?Thanks
2014-01-08 2:10 AM
Have you tried rebooting/re-powering everything? Try the 'ST-Link Utility' program. You should be able to read back (and program) the Flash and the option bytes but you cannot debug. The ST-Link (on board and stand alone) are suppose to be tolerant of plugging/unplugging while powered but I have seen stand alone ST-Link blown. I have even blown a Seger J-Link myself! If after the re-power and the ST-Link Util does not work - the ST-Link could be damaged.2014-01-08 4:26 AM
To de-brick, pull BOOT0 High, restart, and then use the Flash->Erase option.
2014-01-08 5:51 AM
Thank you,
I've tried with rebooting/re-powering but nothing.2014-01-08 5:55 AM
Hi Clive,
thank you, but what do you mean with BOOT0?2014-01-08 6:10 AM
It is one of the pins on the STM32 processor. It is used to control boot up - whether it does the ARM core boot or whether it runs the built in STM written bootloader. However, I am unclear on whether clive means on the STM32F407 or the STM32F103 processor that is used as the ST-Link.2014-01-08 6:52 AM
I'm using STM32F3DISCOVERY -> STM32F303VCT62014-01-08 7:14 AM
The F303 can get in a state that the ST-LINK can't get it out of.
About half way up the right hand pin header are BOOT0 and VDD, jumper them and reset the F303. This will put it in System Loader mode rather than broken user code that might have bricked the device. See then if you can erase the F303, and remove the jumper.2014-01-08 10:25 AM
Hi Clive,
I've connected pin BOOT0 to pin 5V via a 10K resistor and reset but the problem persist. As soon as I plugged in the USB cable in the PC and in the USB USER connector it says that USB device not recognized.I'm persuading to buy an other discovery board.2014-01-08 10:47 AM
VDD is 3V, not sure BOOT0 is FT
Did have one of my F3-DISCO's go weird on me, fought with it for a while, and not it's happy again. Double check your 3V supply.