2017-03-30 1:57 AM
I am programming on nucleo L073RZ board.
My target is to jump from the main to the bootloader application without using BOOT0 and BNOOT1 pins.
To do that i look over the internet. By using the following video on the internet :
, i wrote the attached filed.The issue is that the MCU goes to default_handler and it is impossible to enter into the bootloader.
I don't know if something is missing in the code ?
2017-03-30 9:20 AM
I don't know if it is the best way but when I wanted to do this on a F407 I did the following:
volatile u32 boot_check; // pattern used to boot into bootloader mode.void dfu_boot(void)
{boot_check = DFU_BOOT_CODE; // set the magic number to reboot into DFU mode.
NVIC_SystemReset();}void Reset_Handler(void)
{ if (boot_check == 0xABACABED) // if bootloader required go there.... { // code start for the F407 bootloader is at 0x1fff000, check for other devices. boot_check = 0; // reset the boot check so it doesn't come back here after the bootloader. __asm(' ldr r0, =0x1fff0000\n'
' ldr SP,[R0,#0]\n' ' ldr R0,[R0,#4]\n' ' bx R0');
}// otherwise the standard bootup, copied from startup_stm32f4xx.c
/* Initialize data and bss */
unsigned long *pulSrc, *pulDest;etc
2017-03-30 11:28 AM
hmm... odd, I just replied but it says 'currently being moderated' and I don't think the reply is visible to anyone else. This is a test to see if it happens again.....
edit: ok, now my previous reply has appeared so ignore this one!