2017-03-24 11:02 AM
in RM0090 18.4.17 TIMx DMA control register (TIMx_DCR) it states:
Bits 4:0 DBA[4:0]: DMA base address
This 5-bit vector defines the base-address for DMA transfers (when read/write access aredone through the TIMx_DMAR address). DBA is defined as an offset starting from theaddress of the TIMx_CR1 register.Example:00000: TIMx_CR1,00001: TIMx_CR2,00010: TIMx_SMCR,...Example: Let us consider the following transfer: DBL = 7 transfers & DBA = TIMx_CR1. In thiscase the transfer is done to/from 7 registers starting from the TIMx_CR1 address.Does this mean the transfers are overwriting the timer control registers?
2017-03-30 9:48 AM
,The main usage of thetimer DMA-burst feature is to update the content of multiple registers of the timer peripheral each time a given timer event is triggered.
In the example cited in the reference manual, yes, theTIMx_CR1 and the 6 following registers will be overwritten.
I advise you to have a look at section 5.2.Timer DMA-burst feature in the application note