2019-08-21 01:33 AM
I'm currently trying to mesure the internal temperature on my stm32f767zi.
I work with this ST sample : STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.14.0\Projects\STM32F767ZI-Nucleo\Examples_LL\ADC\ADC_TemperatureSensor
The problem is that I can't manage to import the calibrations values from the system memory.
I added these 4 lines in the main part in order the visualize the calibrations values corresponding to the value at 30°c and at 110°c :
static uint16_t cal1;
static uint16_t cal2;
But no values are finded. cal1=0xFFFF and cal2=0xFFFF.
So, the calcul of the temperature is false, and fixed at 30°c.
Does someones has a solution? Im I the only one who can not make it work?
Thanks in advance.