2010-03-31 2:29 PM
is the 'L' version still on the roadmap?
#stm32 #stm32 #stm32l2011-05-17 4:45 AM
Dear STM32,
Would you be kind to answer my question? Regards Jan2011-05-17 4:45 AM
Dear Jan,
We will introduce these two new series at appropriate time during 2010 to all community WW, when all developments Kits are ready. We are already sampling them to our partners, OEMs. Here is a link for STM32L15xxx Data-brief :http://www.st.com/stonline/products/literature/bd/17pdf
You can contact your nearst ST office or you preferred contact to give you more details. Keep in touch2011-05-17 4:45 AM
Hi STOne-32,
Thanks for that answer, appreciate it. I will contact the local ST people for more info, mainly pin compatibility with existing devices. Knowing that I can make my current design ready for upgrade. Regards Jan2011-05-17 4:45 AM
For more details regarding our STM32 EnergyLite micros refer to thishttp://www.st.com/mcu/inchtml-pages-stm32l.html
Continue Releasing your Creativity Cheers,STOne-32.
2011-05-17 4:45 AM
Fantastic! This is the chip I've been wishing for.
Well done.2011-05-17 4:45 AM
Hi Greg,
Nice to see you again on our New forums. It was log time from the latest chat/public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/ARM%20CortexM3%20STM32/STM32%20New%20Year%20wish%20list
: STM32L is designed and born for You in 2010 ( after one year) , most of your comments are inside. Many Thanks for all. Cheers, STOne- ,