2014-11-10 5:02 PM
I have boards with stm32f429 and rs485 driver, all running on freertos. When 4 boards are connected by rs485 somtimes one board is not communicate, other 99% time all is working great. When I switch power off and on of this board problem is still exists.After some time board works again
.Whether it is possible that errors during data reception uart persist after power is removed?
Sorry for my English.2014-11-10 6:12 PM
Somehow I think your problem here is that you have some internal software and hardware states which are inconsistent. ie your software thinks it's in one state and the hardware is doing something else.
You might want to output more diagnostic information from the nodes, and then examine the conditions reported by the 1% failing, and if those seem to reflect the true state of the network, or if they are confused.2014-11-12 2:27 PM
Now I thinking that 0.17A polyswitch on lines A,B - rs485 causing the problem. If not - is very bad.