2018-04-14 04:49 PM
Hi all,
Have anyone tried to interface ISM43362 wifi module with STM32 via UART? Is there any available UART driver or example-tutorial?
In a custom PCB, we have connected ISM43362 module with L476 UART pins following B-L475E-IOT01 schematic. Later I found that the wifi driver in B-L475E-IOT01 is only provided for SPI (although ISM43362 is connected with both SPI and UART pins in
). I'm not finding (overinternet) any UART driver for ISM43362 module that can be ported to this project.In the first attempt, I've started with B-L475E-IOT01 board and WiFi_Client_Server cube example and tried to replace SPI pin configuration by UART pins and SPI Transmit-receive instructions by UART Tx-Rx. It didn't work, probably SPI and UART communication protocol is different for ISM43362. I'm not finding the exact sequence of AT commands in the AT manual.
Please guide me if anyone interfaced
ISM43362 wifi module via UART.
Thank you in advance for your kind suggestion.
2018-05-03 04:19 AM
I did increased the time out but i noticed that the ping is not working when I write the static IP adress so something is wrong from the begining which I did not know what is it
2018-05-03 04:27 AM
Its DHCP IP renew or binding interval issue. When the STM32 gets the IP from the DHCP server, settings need to be done from STM32 as well as DHCP server side also. If static is being done ping or ICMP is not working me networking routing issue. No issue from STM32 board. So please rectify with the network admin or sort out with DHCP settings.
2018-05-03 04:30 AM
I am not using DHCP..
From the demo of ST :
TCP Echo server
This application is used to test a basic TCP connection. The STM32 MCU acts as a TCPserver that waits for client requests. It simply echoes back whatever is sent.To test the TCP echo server demo, follow these steps:1. Make sure of the STM324xx-EVAL jumper settings are correct.2. Build and program the demonstration code into the STM32F4xx Flash memory.LEDs indicates the LwIP initialization success or failure (the dynamic addressallocation “DHCP� is not supported for this application).So I am using the static IP ADRESS .. I know its not from STM32 board. I think the networking issue related to the lwip interfacing maybe ??? what Do you think please ?? I did not recognize it exactly
2018-05-03 04:38 AM
If you are in LAN contact network admin. Assign IP address in LAN and make sure they are in same domain X.X.X.Z
eg: GATE WAY or Server and Client IP are in same domain, like class C, or Class A. only the last parameter hold the host/device number. first three fields should be same in class A./ class C like (192.168.0.X or 10.0.0.X)
If increased timeout is it working now?
2018-05-03 05:46 AM
The GATE WAY adress is and the static IP adress is and netmask adress is 2255.255.255.0