2010-07-12 11:32 PM
interfacing external RAM with STM32F103ZET6
2011-05-17 04:58 AM
i am still trying to understand these examples. some confusing points are:
1) what is the difference between ''Default startup'' and ''startup_stm32f10x_hd.s''?
2) what is the difference between ''Default Script File'' and ''stm32f10x_flash_extsram.ld'' ?
3) where i can find this ''Default Script File''?
please help me with your valuable experience and expertise.
2011-05-17 04:58 AM
All in main():
#define SRAM_BASE 0X68000000 short ch; main() { // use the Wizards (see Wizards menu) to configure the on-chip peripherals // later or alternatively right mouse click on a source code view to access an alternative interface to the Wizards //{{EDS_CONFIG(PORTS) g_pRCC->APB2ENR |= IOPDEN; g_pGPIOD->CRH &= ~0XFFFFFFFF; g_pGPIOD->CRH |= 0XBBBBBBBB; g_pGPIOD->CRL &= ~0X00FF00FF; g_pGPIOD->CRL |= 0X00BB00BB; g_pRCC->APB2ENR |= IOPEEN; g_pGPIOE->CRH &= ~0XFFFFFFFF; g_pGPIOE->CRH |= 0XBBBBBBBB; g_pGPIOE->CRL &= ~0XF00000FF; g_pGPIOE->CRL |= 0XB00000BB; g_pRCC->APB2ENR |= IOPFEN; g_pGPIOF->CRH &= ~0XFFFF0000; g_pGPIOF->CRH |= 0XBBBB0000; g_pGPIOF->CRL &= ~0X00FFFFFF; g_pGPIOF->CRL |= 0X00BBBBBB; g_pRCC->APB2ENR |= IOPGEN; g_pGPIOG->CRH &= ~0X00000F00; g_pGPIOG->CRH |= 0X00000B00; g_pGPIOG->CRL &= ~0X00FFFFFF; g_pGPIOG->CRL |= 0X00BBBBBB; //}}EDS_CONFIG //{{EDS_CONFIG(FSMC) g_pRCC->AHBENR |= FSMCEN; g_pFSMC->BCR3 = WREN | MWID0; g_pFSMC->BCR3 |= MBKEN; //}}EDS_CONFIG short* p = (char*)SRAM_BASE; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { *p = i; ch = *p; } while (1) { } }2011-05-17 04:58 AM
thanks Crossware for your reply.
i have already done that using example code
C:\Program Files\Raisonance\Ride\lib\ARM\STM32Lib-v312\Project\STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Examples\FSMC\SRAM_DataMemory
using these files in the template project but no success. i an getting the value of TabAddr = 0xFFFFFFFF and MSPValue = 0xFFFFFFF8 , which is not correct.
i don't know what is wrong with the project. it might be the issue of startup file....
2011-05-17 04:58 AM
i have attached my project folder. it is a template project present in
C:\Program Files\Raisonance\Ride\lib\ARM\STM32Lib-v312\Project\Template\RIDE
and i have used the example code of
C:\Program Files\Raisonance\Ride\lib\ARM\STM32Lib-v312\Project\STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Examples\FSMC\SRAM_DataMemory
can anybody please verify it and tell me what i am missing in this project. whereas i have successfully used other example codes with this template project.