2010-08-10 11:45 PM
Intel HEX - Start Linear Address Record
2011-05-17 05:01 AM
You should be able to ignore it. It provides an execution address, similar to the S5/6/7 records Motorola used. It is generally used to allow a loader to place the code in RAM, and jump to an entry point.
Here with Keil ... :103B300049AE399019106B010710219AFF0181A934 :0C3B40000C931E9C5A2047011500000049 :04000005080000ED02 :00000001FF It points to the __main entry point (via the .MAP file) Stack_Size 0x00001000 Number 0 stm32f10x.o ABSOLUTE __Vectors 0x08000000 Data 4 stm32f10x.o(RESET) __main 0x080000ed Thumb Code 0 entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) I'll also note on the STM32 (Cortex M3) that the address should be ODD because it is Thumb code.2011-05-17 05:01 AM
Answered in your identical post on the Keil forum:
(Identical, that is, apart from omitting the detail that you're using Raisonance!)2011-05-17 05:01 AM
(Identical, that is, apart from omitting the detail that you're using Raisonance!)
Except in that thread the OP *was* using Keil tools. I'm not sure asking questions in multiple forums is really a problem, it's like asking multiple colleagues who may not have been party to other/earlier conversations, and might have different experience(s) with different tools.