2015-02-04 8:46 AM
I'm using the Update Event (UEV) of TIM1 to count the CNT overflows (CNT > ARR). I'm using the capture compare IRQ of TIM1 on channel 1 to catch the rising edges of an input signal. Now I've got a strange thing: On each time the TIM1 captures a rising edge it triggers the capture compare interrupt and the UEV interrupt. The input signal and the CNT overflow are not syncron so this can not be a reason. This behaviour is not mentioned at the manual and the register description. Has anyone an idea why this happens and if possible how divide this two interrupts? Thanks #input-capture #update-event #stm32-input-capture-update-even2015-02-04 8:55 AM
Which STM32 model?
Do you check for the source of interrupt in the ISR(s)? Don't you use reset slave mode triggered by the same CC? JW2015-02-04 10:40 AM
2015-02-04 10:43 AM
2015-02-04 10:59 AM
Could you please post the content of all TIM1 registers, as seen by the entry of each ISR? JW2015-02-06 7:31 AM