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In build bootloader

Associate II
Posted on January 26, 2016 at 10:54

Hi friends , 

I found following and did not understand why  __set_MSP(0x20002000) , why main stack pointer hold 0x20002000 ; why not 0x20000000 (sram start address) for stm32f429. 



When  I debug and look in 0x1FFF0000 , I saw 0x20002318? 


Should I  use __set_MSP(0x20002318) ? 

void jump_to_BootLoader(void) {

    void (*SysMemBootJump)(void) = (void (*)(void)) (*((uint32_t *) 0x1FFF0004));



    SysTick->CTRL = 0;

    SysTick->LOAD = 0;

    SysTick->VAL = 0;




Senior II
Posted on January 27, 2016 at 08:19

Sorry for trouble.

You must remap vector table in NVIC.

Associate II
Posted on January 27, 2016 at 08:48

Thank you very much , you tried to help me but still cant make it work :( 

void jump_to_BootLoader(void)


    void (*SysMemBootJump)(void) = (void (*)(void)) (*((uint32_t *) 0x1FFFF004));




    SysTick->CTRL = 0;

    SysTick->LOAD = 0;

    SysTick->VAL = 0;







Associate II
Posted on February 05, 2016 at 07:46

Still I can not make it work , I am following all steps in an2606 application note.

RCC HSI enabled The system clock frequency is 24 MHz

using the PLL.

RAM - 512 byte starting from address 0x20000000

are used by the bootloader firmware.

System memory - 2 Kbyte starting from address 0x1FFFF000

contain the bootloader firmware.


The independent watchdog (IWDG)

prescaler is configured to its maximum

value and is periodically refreshed to

prevent watchdog reset (in case the

hardware IWDG option was previously

enabled by the user).

USART1 Enabled Once initialized, the USART1 configuration

is: 8 bits, even parity and 1 Stop bit.

USART1_RX pin Input PA10 pin: USART1 in reception mode

USART1_TX pin Output push-pull PA9 pin: USART1 in transmission mode

SysTick timer Enabled Used to automatically detect the serial baudrate from the host.

Refer to document I try in following. 

void (*SysMemBootJump)(void) = (void (*)(void)) (*((uint32_t *) 0x1FFFF004));  //System memory adress

    __set_PRIMASK(1);  //Interrupts are  disable

    SysTick->CTRL = 1; //SysTick timer enabled

    SysTick->LOAD = 0;

    SysTick->VAL = 0;

    __set_MSP(0x20002000);            ///Setting msp


    NVIC_SetVectorTable(NVIC_VectTab_FLASH, 0x0000); //Mapping to rom zero


Associate II
Posted on February 05, 2016 at 09:38

And also found following and tried , still does not work .

in app.c

 *((unsigned long *)0x20001FF0) = 0xDEADBEEF; // 64KB STM32F103


in startup


        LDR        R0, =0x20001FF0

        LDR        R1, =0xDEADBEEF

        LDR        R2, [R0, #0]

        STR        R0, [R0, #0] 

        CMP        R2, R1

        BEQ        Reboot_Loader

        LDR     R0, =SystemInit

        BLX     R0

        LDR     R0, =__iar_program_start

        BX      R0


        EXPORT    Reboot_Loader

        LDR        R0, =0x1FFFF000

        LDR        SP,[R0, #0]

        LDR        R0,[R0, #4]

        BX        R0    

Posted on February 05, 2016 at 17:43

May be we need to revisit what ''not working'' means in your context?

What exactly are you trying to do? What exactly is failing in terms of the boot loader and it's response?

Be aware that the USART boot loader is going to be VERY sensitive to line noise or any junk you transmit, as the 0x7F initially sent to the loader is not received but rather used as a timing pattern to calibrate the baud rate settings.

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Posted on February 05, 2016 at 17:52

Suggest you put a logic analyzer on the USART1 pins and understand what's getting transmitted from your end, and what the response is back from the loader.

If you are sending 0x7F and getting some response back that isn't 0x79, it's most likely because the timing is wrong. Understand what signals are seen, and confirm the baud rate of the 0x79 that is sent back, compared to what you think it should be.

Give the USART some time between you calling the boot loader, and sending the 0x7F pattern.

Consider if you should tri-state the USART pins before jumping to the loader.

Again a lot of this wasted time could be remedied if you actually looked at what is happening critically, with a scope or analyzer.
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Associate II
Posted on February 05, 2016 at 20:47

Thanx clive1 

I am sorry  about that I behaved unpatient , but I found problem with your help thank you. 

Problem was fake FTDI chip . You were right , I examined USART with logic analyzer and 0x7F was never gone to stm32f 051mcu . 

Now I fix the problem and , I share working c code below . 

void jump_to_BootLoader(void)


    void (*SysMemBootJump)(void) = (void (*)(void)) (*((uint32_t *) 0x1FFFEC04));




    SysTick->CTRL = 0;

    SysTick->LOAD = 0;

    SysTick->VAL = 0;






int main(void)




