2018-01-24 1:54 PM
2018-01-24 6:32 PM
The site times out for me too. From the AliExpress site the module looks quite good. I tend to prefer eBay+PayPal as these have more bite when it comes to playing by the rules, and shipping in a timely and verifiable manner.
I suspect the OP's interest relates to the functionality of this board, with the ability to use and charge a battery, along with the GPS and Gyro, etc.
2018-01-25 10:56 AM
Compiled! with some warnings
2018-01-25 11:30 AM
2018-01-25 5:28 PM
Handful of warning in Keil too, bit tighter build even with optimization off
Program Size: Code=62642 RO-data=1722 RW-data=420 ZI-data=5940
FromELF: creating hex file...
'.\Objects\classA.axf' - 0 Error(s), 3 Warning(s).
Program Size: Code=30840 RO-data=788 RW-data=96 ZI-data=3512
FromELF: creating hex file...
'.\Objects\ping-pong.axf' - 0 Error(s), 4 Warning(s).
Build Time Elapsed: 00:00:30
2018-03-14 7:17 AM
I have the same results
on Keil 5.1 but i can't access to the coocox download page, i asume that would be a problems on this site.2018-03-14 7:26 AM
They have been trying to fail as a business for a couple of years.
2018-03-14 7:51 AM
I thought they had succeeded at that?
I did try the CooCox IDE a couple of years ago, and didn't like it:
It seemed to be 'dumbed-down' with a lot of options/features removed or hidden; presumably in an effort to 'help' beginners - but ends up hampering serious work.
As noted, they seem to have died a while ago.
2018-03-14 9:15 AM
Me too, the site disappeared for a while, but I thought it had reappeared.
Got the feeling is was bank rolled by Nuvoton, or engineers associated with them.
I'd just as soon use GNU/GCC + MAKE and get the job done.