2016-11-08 12:37 AM
I've installed Coocox CoIde and ARM GCC compiler. But I cannot create new project in Coocox IDE as it shows error message in repository. I've STM32L152 discovery board and I've tried example codes provided. It shows compilation successful but the board does not work as per firmware. there is nothing displayed on LCD and LEDs don't blink. I've tried to debug the code but it sows error message Remote debugging using in ?? ()tbreak mainFunction ''main'' not defined.continueContinuing.Thanks.2016-11-29 5:09 AM
I think there is no working example with Coocox IDE.Getting started with CoIDE from CooCoxhttps://st-videos.s3.amazonaws.com/CoIDE_Tutorial_with_subtitle.mp4
Please try to provide some detail in your post about exactly example you're using?Hope this helps you.Regards