2014-06-05 2:36 AM
Hi all,
Following the instructions in the AN3968,I uploaded the project contained in firmware demo stsw-stm32069 (STM32F4x7 in-application programming (IAP) over Ethernet based on lwIP TCP / IP stack (AN3968))on my STM3240G-EVAL evaluation board with Rlink RIDE. When I enter the IP address in my browser (I tried with IE8, Chrome, Mozilla, but the final result does not change) web login page appears (so far, so good). After entering UserID = ''user'' and password = ''stm32'' and click the ''Login'' buttonappears on the display board STM3240G-EVAL on line 9 the word ''Bad HTTP request''. Can someone help me?2014-06-05 5:23 AM
Can someone help me?
Do what exactly, you'll need to own some of this problem. You'll need to examine the source code to understand where the message is coming from, and what it's looking for. You'll want to use a debugger, or serial output, to understand what is being received by the board. You could also use WireShark or something similar to examine the request on the wire.2014-06-05 9:30 AM
Hi clive1,thanks for your reply.
These are the new news:If I use an old version of Internet Explorer (5.0) all works properly.Now I analyze the packets sent by IE8/IE5 via the ''Hardware LAN Packet Tester LE-580FX''and debug the project via ''Rlink Debugger'' to find the differences and thus the reason for the failure.