2010-04-28 2:37 AM
I2C with FSMC Remap Problem
2011-05-17 4:49 AM
Hello John,
based on your statement I rechecked my (test) hardware. For the SDA I mistakely used a 100k instead of 4,7k. Now it works!! Hrrr... I spent a lot of time for this... Well I didn´t think on the hardware that this is the problem because the hardware works on the other pins....hmm ;) Thanks a lot, Joachim2011-05-17 4:49 AM
I use PB8, (SCL) and PB9, (SDA) on an STM32F103. Works OK. My software configuration looks like yours. I assume you have RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_I2C1, ENABLE);
Maybe you have a physical fault on your PCB?