2009-09-23 4:06 AM
I2C Slave Problem
2011-05-17 4:24 AM
Are you sending proper slave adress? Why SCL line does not have pull-up resistor? For me I2C configuration looks fine. Regards Tomek2011-05-17 4:24 AM
I encounter some problem with i2c module on my STM32F102R6. I've got board with master i2c device based on Atmel AVR ATmega8 uController. This device works fine with our other products but now we try to comunicate with device based on STM32. I try to do i2c based on interrupts. When i connect master to board with STM and send packet through i2c i've got nothing - there is no interrupt event! Master sends Start,correct address but it can't get any ACK. I've attached osciloscope printscreen. Of course other parts of my board works fine (uart, USB, exti, timers) only i2c doesn't. I paste some code from my project. Maybe some one got any clue. void i2c_ini(void) { // na wszelki wypadek I2C_DeInit(I2C1); // inicjalizacja RCC RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_I2C1, ENABLE); RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOB, ENABLE); // konfiguruje kontroler przerwan NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig(NVIC_PriorityGroup_0); NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = I2C1_EV_IRQn; NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = 0; NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 1; NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE; NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure); NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = I2C1_ER_IRQn; NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 2; NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure); // konfiguracja pinów I2C GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_6 | GPIO_Pin_7; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_OD; GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure); // uruchomienie modulu I2C_Cmd(I2C1, ENABLE); // konfiguracja modulu I2C_InitStructure.I2C_Mode = I2C_Mode_I2C; I2C_InitStructure.I2C_DutyCycle = I2C_DutyCycle_2; I2C_InitStructure.I2C_OwnAddress1 = I2C1_SLAVE_ADDRESS7; I2C_InitStructure.I2C_Ack = I2C_Ack_Enable; I2C_InitStructure.I2C_AcknowledgedAddress = I2C_AcknowledgedAddress_7bit; I2C_InitStructure.I2C_ClockSpeed = SCL_speed; I2C_Init(I2C1, &I2C_InitStructure); // Sprawdzanie PEC - Packet Error Checking // off because AVR not support this feature //I2C_CalculatePEC(I2C1, ENABLE); // Uruchomienie przerwan od Eventu i od bufora I2C_ITConfig(I2C1, I2C_IT_EVT | I2C_IT_BUF, ENABLE); } In intterups handler, there is no code at this moment - only debug and led flash. because when it's goes to interrupt i think there is no problem for me to write rest of the code... ;) void I2C1_EV_IRQHandler(void) { switch (I2C_GetLastEvent(I2C1)) { GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOB, LED1); // Master Events case I2C_EVENT_MASTER_MODE_SELECT: // EV5 { sendDebug(''Master mode select''); break; } case I2C_EVENT_MASTER_RECEIVER_MODE_SELECTED: // EV6 { sendDebug(''Master Rx mode select''); break; } case I2C_EVENT_MASTER_TRANSMITTER_MODE_SELECTED: // EV6 { sendDebug(''Master Tx mode select''); break; } case I2C_EVENT_MASTER_BYTE_RECEIVED: // EV7 { sendDebug(''Master byte recv''); break; } case I2C_EVENT_MASTER_BYTE_TRANSMITTED: // EV8 { sendDebug(''Master byte transmitted''); break; } case I2C_EVENT_MASTER_MODE_ADDRESS10: // EV9 { sendDebug(''Master mode address 10''); break; } //Slave Events case I2C_EVENT_SLAVE_RECEIVER_ADDRESS_MATCHED: // EV1 { sendDebug(''Slave Rx Address''); break; } case I2C_EVENT_SLAVE_TRANSMITTER_ADDRESS_MATCHED: // EV1 { sendDebug(''Slave Tx Address''); break; } case I2C_EVENT_SLAVE_RECEIVER_SECONDADDRESS_MATCHED: //EV1 { sendDebug(''Slave Rx Second Address''); break; } case I2C_EVENT_SLAVE_TRANSMITTER_SECONDADDRESS_MATCHED: // EV1 { sendDebug(''Slave Tx Second Address''); break; } case I2C_EVENT_SLAVE_GENERALCALLADDRESS_MATCHED: // EV1 { sendDebug(''Slave General Call''); break; } case I2C_EVENT_SLAVE_BYTE_RECEIVED: //EV2 { sendDebug(''Slave byte recv''); break; } case I2C_EVENT_SLAVE_BYTE_TRANSMITTED: //EV3 { sendDebug(''Slave byte transmitted''); break; } case I2C_EVENT_SLAVE_ACK_FAILURE: // EV3-1 { sendDebug(''Slave ACK failure''); break; } case I2C_EVENT_SLAVE_STOP_DETECTED: // EV4 { sendDebug(''Slave Stop detect''); break; } default: { sendDebug(''Unknown I2C event detect!''); break; } } } /** * @brief This function handles I2C error interrupt request. * @param None * @retval : None */ void I2C1_ER_IRQHandler(void) { GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOB, LED2); /* Check on I2C2 AF flag and clear it */ if (I2C_GetITStatus(I2C1, I2C_IT_AF)) { sendDebug(''Clearing I2C error flag''); I2C_ClearITPendingBit(I2C1, I2C_IT_AF); } }2011-05-17 4:24 AM
Address is for 100% correct. I also try use General Call, but without any success. My Slave Address is 0x40 so on scope you can see that is correct.
SCL line has PullUp through 4,7k, but maybe this is clue. I curious why line is in low state. I don't notice that before... Regards Maciek P.S. @norcio82 are you from Poland?2011-05-17 4:24 AM
Hi Maciek,
If it's still doesn't working with SCL line pulled-up try run examples fromhttp://www.st.com/stonline/products/support/micro/files/stm32f10x_stdperiph_lib.zip
. Are you using DMA ? Regards Tomek P.S Yes I'm from Poland ;)2012-03-23 8:20 PM
I know this is an old post, but I am curious if you ever found a solution. I am having the exact same issue.
2012-03-24 7:06 PM
Did you take care of I2C Address and R/nW bit ?
Normaly, depending on the library and configuration...it can be as follows as well.. I2C_InitStructure.I2C_OwnAddress1 = I2C_SLAVE_ADDRESS<<1;2013-08-29 3:11 PM
I have the exact same problem too. Did you ever find a solution for it? I'm almost giving up and start to code a bitbanging.
2013-09-10 2:15 PM
Do you have a scope trace of the data and clock lines during an attempted read or write?
2014-01-14 9:51 AM
did you solve this issue? I get the same problem!!!!!