2020-10-08 12:39 AM
Hi everyone.
I have been struggling with the connection with RS232 between the sub-D port on my STM32F769I-EVAL and my Computer for sometime . I did follow the tutorial insturctions (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMS5IOfZXyo) step by step but I don't get any signal back from the sub-D port (USART1 CN7). I try to read the signal with the Putty-Application and I took the same port configuration as in my program (see the picture below).
Is there an error in the code (see in attachment) or did I a mistake in connection the board to my computer? (To connect I took a sub-D cable.)
You see I'm new in this forum and I would be grateful if someone could help me with this connection issue.
Thanks a lot in advance!
Kind regards,
2020-10-08 2:55 AM
Video for DISCO not EVAL board. As I recall the EVAL board has some jumper settings dealing with the routing of USART pins.
Double check EVAL board manual on pins, jumpers and UART assignments. Also watch if the HSE clock and HSE_VALUE are consistent. Pretty sure EVAL clocks at 25 MHz, but worth checking.
2020-10-08 5:36 AM
Thanks a lot for your advice.
I checked the pins (PA9 and PA10) and jumpers. The jumpers are positioned like in the picture in the appendix and JP11 is closed (see picture jumper_configuration). Further I have opened SB68, R265 and R115 (see picture PA9 and PA10).
I used the hint with the clock and set the HSE clock to 25 MHz (see picture clock_configuration). But with the clock setting I am still not quite sure if I did it right.
Unfortunately it still does not work.
Attached you will also find the main.c document.
Kind regards,
2020-10-08 5:59 AM