2019-09-06 8:47 PM
I've configured GPIO for trace , enabled trace in MCUDEBUG and coredebug registers and enabled ETM and started it.when I view the trace pins in a logic analyser.. there seems to be no activity on the trace pins. If you have example code for ETM trace using Stm32F4 please provide that.
Thanks in advance
2019-09-06 9:48 PM
Keil had projects and debug configuration files for it ULINKPro and MCBSTM32F400
_WDWORD(0x40023830, _RDWORD(0x40023830) | 0x00000010); // RCC_AHB1ENR: IO port E clock enable
_WDWORD(0x40021000, 0x00002AA0); // GPIOE_MODER: PE2..PE6 = Alternate function mode
_WDWORD(0x40021008, 0x00003FF0); // GPIOE_OSPEEDR: PE2..PE6 = 100 MHz speed
_WDWORD(0x4002100C, 0x00000000); // GPIOE_PUPDR: PE2..PE6 = No Pull-up/Pull-down
_WDWORD(0x40021020, 0x00000000); // GPIOE_AFRL: PE2..PE6 = AF0
_WDWORD(0xE0042004, 0x000000E7); // DBGMCU_CR Enable 4-bit Trace
2019-09-06 11:16 PM
i don't want to use ULINKPRO. I just want to capture the trace pins in a logic analyser. How can I do that? Below is the code i execute after configuring gpio. But i observe no activity on trace pins. What do you think is the problem here?
DBGMCU->CR |= DBGMCU_CR_TRACE_IOEN; /* enable trace io */
DBGMCU->CR |= (3u<<DBGMCU_CR_TRACE_MODE_Pos); /* enable 4 pin data + 1 pin clock */
CoreDebug->DEMCR |= CoreDebug_DEMCR_TRCENA_Msk; /* enable TPIU */
ETM_BASE_PTR->LAR = 0xC5ACCE55; /* unlock ETM registers */
ETM_BASE_PTR->CR = 0x00001D1Eu;
while(!((ETM_BASE_PTR->SR) & (1u<<1u)));
ETM_BASE_PTR->TRIGGER = 0x0000006Fu;
ETM_BASE_PTR->EEVR = 0x0000006Fu;
ETM_BASE_PTR->TECR1 = 0x00000001u;
ETM_BASE_PTR->CR = 0x0000191Eu;
while(((ETM_BASE_PTR->SR) & (1u<<1u)));
2019-09-07 7:46 AM
It was cited as a working example that could be reviewed and probed.
ARM might have a document for debugger writers. Segger might scripts.
I'll query one of my contacts.
2019-09-07 8:10 AM
In the debug configuration file, that keil provides for u link pro, which you mentioned, they do only GPIO configuration... I guess Trace / ETM configuration is done by the IDE itself via JTAG if trace is enabled? or you pasted only a part of the script?. It would be really helpful if you can provide some insights..