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I have problem using uart on stm32f207ZG.


Hello, people.

I have problem using uart on stm32f207ZG, for some reason my board only uses 4 uart and the others don't work. I set everything up as in the example, everything is assembled and flashed, but the UART is silent from 1 to 6 UART, except for 4 UART.



Should we guess what's wrong, or are you going to present this in a manner that can be reviewed or analyzed?

Pins properly assigned and configured?

Correct clocks enabled?

Right pins used?

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I did everything as in the example and it works for people)), but not for me.

Works only 4 uart.

With the settings, everything hums, it even passed in debugging, everything is zero in the registry.

Is there a bug in the HAL library or is the hardware part not working.

Is it possible that I am configuring it incorrectly, is there a working example on stm32f207ZG?