2019-06-03 1:41 PM
I already can update the firmware using uart and usb using the DFUSe Demo and the Usb demonstrator GUI, but i need to make a standalone pendrive updater.
2019-06-03 1:48 PM
Why does the forum even let you like your own questions?
Does the F072 allow it to be a USB Host? The ROM firmware doesn't do this sort of update. It can be done on F2/F4 parts. The are Firmware Update examples for the F4-DISCO using a USB Flash drive, although those used a .BIN rather than a .DFU, but that of course could be adapted. I've done DFU updates from an SDCard.
Check for EVAL board examples in the F0 series parts for an MSC HOST.
2019-06-04 2:45 AM
> Does the F072 allow it to be a USB Host?
> I have a stm32f072rb board and i would like to know if it is possible to update its firmware directly from a pendrive