2019-07-25 2:07 AM
*** Using Compiler 'V5.06 (build 20)', folder: 'C:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCC\Bin'
Build target 'STM32F7-DISCO'
compiling usbh_ctlreq.c...
compiling syscall.c...
compiling unicode.c...
assembling startup_stm32f746xx.s...
compiling games_win.c...
.\STM32F7-DISCO\Exe\STM327x6G-DISCO_Demo.axf: Error: L6366E: st_animatediconview.o attributes are not compatible with the provided cpu and fpu attributes .
Object st_animatediconview.o contains Build Attributes that are incompatible with the CPU attributes.
Tag_VFP_arch = Use of the ARM v8-A FP ISA was permitted, but only citing registers D0-D15, S0-S31 (=8)
.\STM32F7-DISCO\Exe\STM327x6G-DISCO_Demo.axf: Error: L6366E: st_fonts.o attributes are not compatible with the provided cpu and fpu attributes .
Object st_fonts.o contains Build Attributes that are incompatible with the CPU attributes.
Tag_VFP_arch = Use of the ARM v8-A FP ISA was permitted, but only citing registers D0-D15, S0-S31 (=8)
2019-07-25 3:48 AM
Check the FPU settings in the target pane. See if it selects Double precision vs Single.
Consider downloading a current version of uVision. They have 5.28a available for download.