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I am using a Nucleo board MB1137 revB. It used to show up as 2 COM ports but now is showing up as one COM port and one USB device. The sw I am using needs it to be 2 COM ports to communicate with the device. Can you help me resovle this?



Which USB are you connecting too?

You're going to have to be responsible for fixing the USB Device code you've written and loaded onto the STM32 in question.

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I am using both USB ports on the Nucleo board. This board is an EVB given to me by a chipset vendor who is using the Nucleo board to control their chip. I do not have access to the source code but want to test the chip as I have in the past.

You'll need to work with that vendor to get their software working, or get a new copy of the software if you have erased the load that was on the board.


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