2021-04-22 11:07 AM
int USART2_Write(int ch){
//wait for TX buffer empty
while (!(USART2->SR & USART_SR_TXE)) {}
USART2->DR = ch;
return 0;
int USART2_Read(void) {
while (!(USART2->SR & USART_SR_RXNE)) {}
return USART2->DR;
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE int __io_putchar(int ch)
#define GETCHAR_PROTOTYPE int __io_getchar (void)
#define PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE int fputc(int ch, FILE *f)
#define GETCHAR_PROTOTYPE int fgetc(FILE * f)
return ch;
uint8_t ch = 0;
ch = USART2_Read();
2021-04-22 11:51 AM
GETCHAR_PROTOTYPE must return the ch value.
2021-04-22 12:03 PM
I just added that but still no success
2021-04-22 3:30 PM
Did USART2_Read(void) ever called? And if called, did ever received something ?
The provided information does not give enough clues help.