2020-04-30 4:03 PM
Hello, I've recently took over a project at my school where they are building a wearable camera. They have used STM32L496ZG as the MCU. Basically there are two sensors on the board: OV2640 and MLX90640. One takes regular JPEG and the other takes thermal images. These images are taken successively and then written to an SD card with timestamps taken from RTC. There are currently two problems. Firstly, the frame rate is slow. The average is around 2.8 Hz. The bigger issue is that the frame rate is fluctuating quite a lot and this is not desirable for our application. What can I do to solve the issues? I'm attaching the main file for reference.
2020-04-30 7:29 PM
You could save to SD using DMA. You could buffer data to absorb some of the delay with writing to an SD card. You could write larger chunks to the card at a time instead of 512 byte chunks. You could read from both cameras at the same time instead of in series.