2022-05-19 11:45 PM
this used to work, but when I tried this project again, it doesn't work anymore... Not sure what happened, but I'm exploring what is wrong...
I run xpack emulation that has own GDB server.
I'm handling project under CubeIDE and I'm trying to connect to remote GDB server.
I've chosen ST/link(openocd) option as debugger and selected connection to remote GDB.
This seems to be enough to be able to run/debug code from CubeIDE on xpack QEMU emulator. But now it seems that ST device verification is happening and I don't know how to switch it off...
I see activity on remote GDB server when verification happens :
... connection accepted from ipv6 host.
Execute 'mon WriteDP 0x2 0xF0'.
I've found and modified stm32f4x.cfg as suggested in some BluePill related posts, but it seems not helping :
# script for stm32f4x family
# stm32 devices support both JTAG and SWD transports.
source [find target/swj-dp.tcl]
source [find mem_helper.tcl]
if { [info exists CHIPNAME] } {
I've added "set CPUTAPID 0" statement but it seems not influencing the ST verification step.
I'd kindly ask for any advice.
I'm also searching for the way to increase verbosity of this debug launch process and read in more details what scripts and commands are used to track down the source of verification step.
Can anyone help me to get to log file or increase verbosity to see what actually happens or howto easily switch off that verification step that is obviously not needed in this case using QEMU ?
Thanks in advance,