2014-08-10 10:28 PM
Hi All,
Is there any way to count the current systick value for Cortex-M3/M4 based MCU?For some type of Cortex_M4 based MCU has the ''portable_delay_cycles:' function for delay functionality. But i want the systick count.I searched in the forms, but no info. Thanks for your help,Ram.2014-08-11 12:40 AM
You can of course access the Current Value Register of the Systick peripheral, which is usually the ''
'' member. I hope you are aware what you are doing, as it counts with the core clock frequency, and wraps around.2014-08-11 12:51 AM
24-bit, and can be 1/8 of the CPU, for 32-bit and CPU clock, consider DWT_CYCCNT2014-08-11 9:47 PM
Thanks clive1,