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How to create project using old firmware package version in STM32CubeMX?

Sven Köhler
Associate III
Posted on June 13, 2018 at 18:36

For reasons of testing, I'd like to create a new CubeMX project that uses an old version of a firmware package (To be precise, I'd like to create a projects using STM32L4 0.11 and 0.8.1). The virtual COM port doesn't work anymore with STM32L4 0.12.0 and I want to test older versions again.

CubeMX doesn't seem to allow to do that. CubeMX always selects the most current version of the firmware package for new projects - even if the most recent version of the firmware package isn't installed. Am I missing something?

I managed to get hold of older versions of CubeMX. It seems that, for example, I can use CubeMX 4.24.0 to create a project using STM32L4 0.11.0. Now I have to install multiple CubeMX versions to test different firmware package versions. Luckily the CubeMX Release Notes make it easy to find the right versions.

Is there an easier way? In particular considering that official downloads of old CubeMX versions are not available on

ST Employee
Posted on June 14, 2018 at 09:46




CubeMX automatically selects latest version, but you may uncheck default directory path for repository and you may choose the different directory with your older STM32CubeL4 version.

Best regards,



I am using CubeMX v6.9.1, and I'm not able to use FW version v1.25 on a project. I have downloaded v1.25 via the Embedded Software Packages Manager. However, when I uncheck the box to use the latest FW by default and select from the dropdown menu, I'm not able to find the older FW in the dropdown. All I can see is the newer v1.27 FW.

Hello @Jon990 

I think is better if you create a new post for your question and add a few screenshots and details to make it clearer.

Best regards.