2011-01-29 7:56 PM
How to calibrate ADC
2011-05-17 5:23 AM
No, it's 12-bit, you have to do the math, pretty basic stuff.
voltage = (3.3 * reading) / 4096.0; Where 3.3 is your reference voltage.2011-05-17 5:23 AM
2011-05-17 5:23 AM
''i want to convert this value 3.3v''
Unless you have a very specific need to use floating-point, it's generally best avoided! eg, instead of 3.3V, think of it as 3300mV... (that's just one example - you could use any other scaling factor that's convenient to you) Note that the symbol for volts is an uppercase 'V' - the same applies to all SI units named after people.