2018-04-26 2:56 AM
I have been stuck on this for two whole work days. I have been trying to establish any connection between an ST-Link/V2 and a STM32F411RCT6 MCU but I just get USB error every time on STM32 Utility and on STM Cube Programmer. So I decided to get it connected instead to a NucleoF411RE dev board but the exact same thing happened. Does anyone know how it should be properly connected so I can check I have done it right. Currently from the pins on the ST Link:
1 - Vdd
3 - PB4
5 - PA15
7 - PA13
9 - PA14
11 - Ground
13 -PB3
The rest are not connected. This is the same on the MCU except 2 is connected to Vdd, 15 is connected to NRST and the rest 11, 17, 19 is NC and 4 through 20 evens are connected to ground.
Is this right?Thanks
2018-04-26 5:00 AM
Previous thread...
To get a baseline here, did the NUCLEO work with the on-board ST-LINK and the Utilities, before you started this experiment?
2018-04-26 5:21 AM
The pin 11 ground doesn't seem right, assume you mean a different pin, others seem ok.
Make sure they are disconnected from the onboard ST-LINK, and that any solder-bridges associated with the pin headers are made.
Check the voltage on the VDD and NRST pin, check the voltage on the VCAP pins
For the original board make sure VDDA is powered.
2018-04-26 7:34 AM
I could program to it with mbed yes
2018-04-26 7:37 AM
Oh no maybe it isn't supposed to be to ground!
VDDA in not powered on the PCB thankyou, will try that now
2018-04-26 7:48 AM
VDDA drives the PLL and Power-on-reset circuitry, so tends to be critical.
Secondary signs-of-life check for the STM32 is to pull BOOT0 High, and use PA9/PA10 for a USART and send an 0x7F byte at 9600 8E1, checking for an 0x79 in response.
2018-04-26 7:49 AM
The behaviour in the Utilities would be a better parallel to the problem you've been having for the last two days.