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How do I get SWO working on the STM32F373


My product uses the STM32F373CCT6 and can't get SWO working on the IAR tools and an iJet. These work on other projects just fine.

I've contacted IAR and after enough digging it looks like their doing everything correctly (as I said, these things work on other STM32 parts).


PB3 must be properly connected.

Frequency of core must be known and correctly coded. The divider will depend on your pods design/configuration.

For the ST-LINK/V2, which use a 2 MHz clock input, you can compute/check thusly

*((unsigned int *)0xE0040010) = (SystemCoreClock / 2000000) - 1;

Understand WHAT your system thinks it is running at

 printf("Core=%d, %d MHz\n", SystemCoreClock, SystemCoreClock / 1000000);

 printf("SWV %d\n", *((unsigned int *)0xE0040010));

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Use some other pods to sanity/cross-check your design

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