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Hi, i would like to know which chip is under name ST A267BB (100 pin case ).

Associate II

Attach a clear and in-focus picture of the device, and context

The ST7267 was an ST7 microcontroller, but in a 64-pin package

There was an ASIC built for a BOSCH RADAR, but don't expect to find any public docs for that.

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Associate II

Here is the picture of chip.

Associate II

It was made for the automotive industry, for automotive most of chip are masket.

Ok, so on a Bosch board.

ST doesn't release details of custom ICs for third-parties.

Not sure what exactly you're looking for here. Replacement ICs, internal block diagrams, etc.

If you have firmware images, you could probably determine CPU, but I'd wager it is a custom ST7 design with some extended mix of FLASH, RAM or GPIO

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