2024-02-10 6:53 AM
hello to all
i want to build project with 2 blue pill firist one have an eeprom it save the file on it the firist blue pill will be as programmer to program the file from the eeprom on the secound blue pill the secound one will be as slave
i want to program the file from the eeprom to the slave stm32 .
the master is ok i build and connect with the eeprom with i2c and can cll the data from the eeprom in the master side but in the slave i want to program the file on it without using pc using the master one
so haw to connect the stm32 slave with the master
2024-02-10 7:23 AM
Suggest review app notes AN3155 and AN2606
2024-02-10 7:30 AM
In hardware:
In your program:
2024-02-10 8:03 AM
thanks for your replay
is there any example to send the command from master to slave
2024-02-10 8:08 AM
Likely several if you look, the F1 is 17 years old.
The firmware upgrade method for the MKR WAN1300 is on GitHub is a pretty clean MCU to MCU port