2012-05-13 11:19 AM
i don't know use elua on stm32discovery, someone can help me ?
this is my first contact with stm32DISCOVERY thanks2012-05-13 1:40 PM
Not much elua disussion going on here, try their group
Do you have any prior experience with elua, or other embedded platforms? Also you will need to be specific about what STM32 board you're talking about, there are at least four Discovery boards, in other messages I appreciate you have an STM32F4, but you should always be specific. None of them come with serial ports wired up, so a regular eval board might be better supported. What type of help do you need? Again, being specific about areas of familiarity, and topics you are stuck on, or expect difficulty with. For commercial projects ST does maintain a list of service providers.2012-05-13 4:16 PM
no i don't have any prior experience with elua, But i worked with pic 16F.
My board is a STM32 DISCOVER with STM32F407VG. It was a gift from a friend.in Brazil don't have much information to STM32 here is more used PIC I need help because this is my first time.i need some exemple to programing.sorry my english rss thankfull2012-05-13 7:28 PM
Well I can't help you much with elua, but from a ST perspective there are extensive reference and programming manuals for the STM32F4 parts. There are at least two firmware libraries worth looking at and they include example code. Those would be the F4/Discovery firmware, and the DSP libraries.
More helpful at this stage might be looking over the ARM Cortex-M3 technical reference manuals, and Joseph Yiu's book on the Cortex-M3, these will provide some perspective you can relate to the PIC's. Then consider a development tool chain, from an experimental level on Windows, an evaluation of Keil or IAR would be well supported by the examples and firmware libraries mentioned earlier. You could also do it in Linux with GCC, or use Eclipse.