2013-03-03 2:52 AM
hi everyone
i am looking forward to purchase evaluation board for learning cortex m4. i would be requiring GLCD/TFT and camera in future for some image processing applications where i might be using DSP capability of my board and yes,good RAM size. actually, i am confused between STM32F4 discovery, STM32-P407 or TI Stellaris LM4F120/LM4F232. i also came across easymx pro v7 (TI stellaris based) from microelectronika. my requirement from board is to have good community support, big RAM (more than 50 Kb atleast), on-board GLCD and camera (if possible,not mandatory), lot of examples and easy to follow manuals so that i can learn quickly and start on my own. i am really confused.please help me out.please suggest any other board if you feel that suits me. and,yes,budget is also a constrain as i am on my own. i am looking forward to your replies. thank you all Abhishek2013-03-03 3:18 AM
Is the memory required beyond the 1024K Flash, 192K RAM on the STM32F4 series?
How constrained are you with price? WaveShare has quite a selection of board options, and are available on eBay.http://www.wvshare.com/column/STM32_DevelopmentBoard.htm#Open407I-C
There are perhaps cheaper options on eBay for boards with screens, or as boards (break out style) you can plug an STM32F4-Discovery. Community support is a bit more sketchy , ST is only going to supply code examples for their EVAL series boards. The support you might get from other board vendors, and other users who don't have the specific board you have, could be limited. Again the support you might receive for a board you've paid a few $100 is going to be pretty limited, so check if you can see the software/hardware support you need before picking one that meets your specific needs. Free support anywhere is limited by the goodwill of those providing it.2013-03-03 3:32 AM
thanks for reply
memory required by me would be enough hopefully as provided by STM32F4 discovery. budget is limited to $200.waveshare dont provide any support on board in future.no community is there to help on modules they are providing.have you experienced those open407 boards and modules?are they good? i understand that community support based on one's generosity but if members are quite active and responsive, it add to much greater help.based on my experiences,i think TI community is quite active and responsive,also well documented.i have no idea of STM. Abhishek2013-03-04 1:19 AM
Hi Abhishek,
So this is an opportunity to discover it :) Welcome on board! The community will be there for help, as possible of course. You can submit your request/issue/remark on this forum or the more active one (STM32 forum) if it concerns the MCU, not specific to the discovery. Best Regards, ST.MCUTo give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.