2017-06-09 6:25 PM
I think I'm not understanding the terminology, or something. I want to generate an external interrupt at a pin, when timer 2 overflows. I can generate an interrupt with the timer/counter just fine, it's the output to a pin that I'm having trouble with.
i THINK i want to use OC mode, but I'm not sure I'm understanding the terminology. Maybe PWM with a short duty cycle is what I want. Looking to generate a short pulse on a pin, periodically.
2017-06-09 7:36 PM
Answered my own question. PWM with a short duty cycle.
prescaler 40000-1
period 2000
gives me a pulse every second or so on an 80MHz L476
and on an STM32L476-Nucleo board, TIM2_CH1 outputs to pin PA0.