2018-03-18 11:52 PM
I've integrated the following
library(with some changes) ,along withhttps://github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.embedded-c
device client on STM32F411RET6. I'm using ahttp://simcomm2m.com/En/module/?type=23
LTE module for communication with the cloud (on the gateway side ) andhttp://www.st.com/en/wireless-connectivity/spirit1.html
modules for communication with the nodes. The RTOS I'm currently using is for managing threads and synchronizing between them.Now, I want to integrate this with
as we have a working 6lowPAN mesh over subGHZ implemented using Contiki's 6lowPAN stack. Although it will be trivial to do so, I still wanted to know a few things :The current use-case is Smart Street Lighting so availability of power is not an issue, however we would like to extend it to other use-cases where conserving power might be needed.
Aishwarye Chauhan
#mqtt #contiki-spirit1 #contiki-stm32 #6lowpan #contiki-os #gsm-modem #mesh #simcom2018-03-19 01:35 AM
,you are focused on lib I made as an experimentalfor (at least plan was) driving AT commands based communication with the less CPU resources as possible. Result of the lib: I failed on my first try and I made this library obsolete and it is now archived on Github.
To answer your question. I did not find any good library for AT commands which would work in 'non-blocking' mode or if it uses 'blocking', to have at least option for context switch in OS. I found many libraries but none of them were not what I was looking for (all were waiting in while loop to receive answer from device = waste of CPU time).
Major issues with the lib:
I gave you enough reasons why I stopped personal development here and I started a new version which:
This is the opportunity to invite all interested developers to support this project.
It is available here:
Best regards,
2018-03-19 03:12 AM
Hello Tilen,
I appreciate the work you've done to bring up the current version of the library. It is exactly what I was looking for.
I will be integrating this library with ContikiOS and will provide it as a submodule in your project(once you approve of the quality).
Thanks again for your detailed answer and prompt response.
2018-03-19 11:21 PM
Hey Tilen,
Could youme help me on how should I go about integrating the library with Contiki-OS without multithreading ( only pt ) support ? I can work on extending the mtarch.c but is there a way to run the library using only the protothread approach ?
2018-05-25 02:08 PM
Hello Aishwarye,
I am very interested in your progress on this work. We too have a need for a Contiki port for a modem driver. I would be happy to collaborate/contribute if possible.
2018-11-22 07:30 AM
I have been working on Contiki OS from last 6 months, according to my understanding you should use border router and integrate your cellular code to that. ST has border router example code using WiFi as border router gateway. Hope this help.