2016-08-17 6:28 AM
Generally I am a bit surprised not to find a STM32 nucleo board with a GPS chip. Anybody know the rational behind not integrating STA8090FG into any STM32 boards?
I have just ordered
AK-STM32-GPS STM32 And GPS Development Board from Artekit labs. But I will be very surprised if their chip is anywhere near STA8090FG.
#gps2016-08-17 7:04 AM
Generally I am a bit surprised not to find a STM32 nucleo board with a GPS chip. Anybody know the rational behind not integrating STA8090FG into any STM32 boards?
Cost? The model with the NUCELO boards was to put non-core functionality on shield boards rather than clutter the board up with user/application circuitry like the DISCO boards have become. When you need a break-out board the last thing you want is every pin committed to some other functionality. A GPS module with serial connectivity can connect to any available USART. My direct experience with ST's GPS group is there is zero interest/support available unless you are going to be doing >$1M in business, and if you can do that you can certainly build your own development boards.2016-08-17 8:37 AM
This how we do GPS on NUCLEO/DISCO here...