2018-06-26 10:33 PM
For an application we need a bulk of digital inputs(comes from sensors- about 30 inputs) and a bulk of digital outputs(go to relays- about 15 outputs). which solution would be better?
1- using a high count digital input micro like Stm32f103V/Z
2- using serial shift registers like 74HC595 for inputs and 74HC165 for outputs
thanks for your help
#digital-pins #74hc595 #shift-register2018-06-26 11:30 PM
This depends on your requirements, especially on rates of change.
With serial shift registers, you will not achieve the throughput as with native GPIO ports.
There is a third alternative: one 8-bit GPIO port, with several latched 8-bit buffers, and a few other GPIO port lines for multiplexing (addressing) and latching.
2018-06-27 12:48 AM
When you need to decide which is better, you have to ask what are you trying to optimize for?
Hope this helps,
2018-06-27 2:11 AM
definitely better to use a high pin count chip.
and better to use the LQFP, its much easier to route a 2 layer board with LQFP
2018-06-27 2:51 AM
Thanks for reply. rate of change is not so fast(100Hz max). Main consideration is Safety&Integrity and cost of the design.
this board is going to be mass product.
2018-06-27 3:13 AM
This would suggest the serial shift register.
In my experience, high-pincount versions of MCUs use to come with larger RAM/FLASH and consequently higher price tag.
I guess you could scale down on performance, trying a M0 like the F0xx series, or 8-bit / 16-bit MCUs, perhaps from other vendors.
Main consideration is Safety&Integrity ...
Or a Cortex R4 MCU with lockstep double core, like a TI Hercules...