2013-08-09 3:33 PM
Hi all,
I've been playing with different peripheral examples of STM32L-Discovery on MDK-ARM (Keil) environment. Recently I'd like to move to linux with GNU gcc tool chain. I had a hard time learning to write a Makefile for a large project with multiple layers of directories. Recently, I'm trying to write Makefile for examples of STM32L peripherals (STSW-STM32077). I wonder if anyone knows some good examples/tutorial out there where I could learn from? The Makefiles I downloaded from some people's repo are pretty complicated. :(Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks!!Shan2013-08-10 1:54 AM
You can read the docs.
For large project you would use autoconf and automake.http://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html#Introduction
2013-08-10 10:23 PM
Hi Shan ,
There is a very good plugin for eclipse that you can use , it generates the makefile automatically for you , so you dont need to do anything in this aspect . It is called : GNU ARM Eclipse plug-in http://sourceforge.net/projects/gnuarmeclipse/ It works with codesourcery,yagarto and many other tool-chains , me myself i use GCC ARM Embedded as its free and has FPU support https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded Michael